Configure your project to use dynamic forms

  • Step 1

    Every Dynamic Form needs a table to store the list of fields that compose it.

    Also, it has to be strictly linked to a project model entity to be rendered (e.g. what kind of object wil the form map? A Book, a Car or something else!?).

    In your project’s models, then, create a Model Class to store the list of fields, make it inherit class DynamicFieldMap and choose the ForeignKey that represents the form linked model entity.

    from django_form_builder.dynamic_fields import get_fields_types
    from django_form_builder.models import DynamicFieldMap
    class MyFieldsListModel(DynamicFieldMap):
        This class represents every single form field, each one linked to a unique object
        # if you want to integrate dynamic fields with your own,
        # define a new file that import all 'dynamic_fields' and defines others new and
        # then pass it as param to get_fields_types(class_name=my_custom_fields_file)
        my_entity = models.ForeignKey(MyEntityClass, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
        DynamicFieldMap._meta.get_field('field_type').choices = get_fields_types()
  • Step 2

    Every submitted dynamic form, if valid, save its content as a JSON. Once we have our fields model (step 1), we have to define a Model Class to save our compiled form JSON attribute.

    from django_form_builder.models import SavedFormContent
    class MyModelClass(SavedFormContent):
        This class contains the JSON with all submitted form details
  • Step 3

    In your views, use/override get_form() and compiled_form() methods to respectively build form structure from scratch (using your step 1 model class) and rebuild and fill it simply by the JSON field.

    from django_form_builder.models import DynamicFieldMap
    # the class used as foreign key in 'Step 1'
    class MyEntityClass(models.Model):
         def get_form(self,
           Returns the form (empty if data=None)
           if remove_filefields is not False, remove from form the passed FileFields
           if remove_datafields is True, remove all fields different from FileFields
           # retrieve all the fields (the model class is in 'Step 1')
           form_fields_from_model = self.myfieldslistmodel.all().order_by('ordinamento')
           if not form_fields_from_model: return None
           # Static method of DynamicFieldMap that build the constructor dictionary
           constructor_dict = DynamicFieldMap.build_constructor_dict(form_fields_from_model)
           # more params to pass with 'data'
           custom_params = {'extra_1': value_1,
                            'extra_2': value_2}
           # the form retrieved by calling get_form() static method
           form = DynamicFieldMap.get_form(# define it only if you
                                           # need your custom form:
                                           # class_obj=MyDynamicForm,
           return form
    from django_form_builder.models import SavedFormContent
    # the class used in 'Step 2'
    class MyModelClass(SavedFormContent):
        def compiled_form(self, files=None, remove_filefields=True):
            Returns the builded and filled form
            Integrates django_form_builder.models.SavedFormContent.compiled_form
            SavedFormContent.compiled_form uses DynamicFieldMap.get_form() filled
            # set get_form() source class (step 1)
            form_source = self.my_entity
            # set data source class (inherited from 'SavedFormContent')
            data_source = self.modulo_compilato
            form = SavedFormContent.compiled_form(data_source=data_source,
            return form