Fields methods and attributes

BaseCustomField is the base class for every custom field.
This class defines two attributes and trhee foundamental methods that make fields work well.


  • is_complex (default False): if True, specifies that the field is composed by more elementar fields (like two DateFields);

  • is_formset (default False): if True, specifies that the field is a Django Formset.


  • def define_value(self, custom_value=None, **kwargs): it integrates the field initialization with custom configuration parameters defined by user (e.g. choices of a SelectBox);

  • get_fields(self): if field is_complex, it returns a Python list of child fields. Else, it returns [self];

  • def raise_error(self, name, cleaned_data, **kwargs):: it integrates clean() method to have a customizable behaviour processing cleaned_data.